How to Procure and Consume Alcohol in Gujarat
Here is a verified procedure for a non-Gujarati adult to legally procure and consume alcohol in Gujarat.
Step 1: Get a “stay certificate” from your hotel. Basically it’s a letter from the hotel stating that you are staying with them and wish to procure alcohol for self consumption.
Step 2: Take letter obtained in Step 1 to an alcohol permit issuing counter. Submit two ID proofs (Aadhar card is not accepted as ID proof). Person at counter logs into a government portal, enters your information, takes a picture of you, uploads your ID proofs and submits the data for processing.
Step 3: Portal sends an OTP to your mobile phone and a code to your email address. Recite both to person at permit counter who enters them into the system. Upon successful authentication, an alcohol permit is generate by the system. Person takes a print of the permit and hands it to you.
Step 4: Take alcohol permit to wine store. Person 1 at wine store signs and stamps permit and hands it back to you.
Step 5: Hand over signed and stamped permit to Person 2 at wine store. Person 2 enters permit details into a register and asks you to sign on the register. Pay Person 2 ₹150 as permit fee. Upon receipt of ₹150 Person 2 hands back the signed and stamped permit back to you.
Step 6: Hand over signed and stamped permit back to Person 1.
Step 7: Select alcohol to procure from display and pay for it.
Step 8: Person 2 puts selected alcohol in a black cloth bag and hands it to you along with a bill and the signed and stamped permit.
Step 9: Take procured alcohol to your hotel room.
Step 10: Consume procured alcohol in your hotel room.