
Project Hero Impulse Adventure – Tail Rack

Project Hero Impulse Adventure

The Impulse comes with a provision to fit a tail rack. We wanted to build something light and strong. So instead of using a metal plate which would make thing heavy, Prajhot Pednekar​ came up with the brilliant idea of welding strips of metal standing tall with two strips sitting flat with holes used the fasten the rack to the tail of the motorcycle.

This tail rack is designed to be easily removable. I plan on using it only while touring. I will easily be able to weave the straps of my Wolfman Expedition dry duffel bag through the big holes in the tail rack. Otherwise I would have to sit the duffel bag on the pillion seat and use the grab rails to secure the bag to the seat. But with this tail rack I can hang the bag off the rear end of the motorcycle and carry a pillion rider if required.

This tail rack doesn’t look spectacular. We weren’t going for looks. We wanted something lightweight and practical.



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